Guest Blog: The "Go" Concept by Tony Rodriguez
Tony is the offensive coordinator at East Bay High school located in Gibsonton, Florida where he has run a triple option system now for 10 years. Tony is also a high school Social Studies teacher at East Bay where he attended and played high school football. Tony started @3phasefootball, which is a twitter based account devoted to the Triple Option = the greatest offense ever invented. If executed properly, it’s unstoppable! @3phasefootball does several things such as host weekly chats on Monday called “Mesh Point Monday” which allows triple option coaches to network and learn from each other. @3phasefootball has also hosted several webinars in an effort to help coaches get the help they need with specific techniques. Feel free to contact Tony Rodriguez on twitter @3phasefootball or by email
When to use the GO concept
1. When the OLB/overhang guy starts disregarding pass responsibilities
2. Cover 3
3. Rolling Safeties
4. SY/GL - This is a Run/Pass Option for the QB!
5. QB has the mindset that he is a run threat if WRs are covered.
Go Route Concept - 2x2 (Jet Motion)
2 x 2 Jet Motion "Go" Concept
Playside #1 = FADE
Backside #2 = SEAM
Jet motion across formation & past the playside #2 WR
As you pass the #2 WR playside, begin to shuffle outward while simultaneously squaring your shoulders to the line of scrimmage.
With your shoulders parallel to the line of scrimmage, shuffle outward until ball is snapped.
Release vertical to attack the flat defender’s outside shoulder. Slip his inside hip and avoid being rerouted by the defender.
The trick is to redirect the defender and then straighten back up onto your route stem.
Playside #2 = FLAT (aka Arrow)
you will become playside #3 after the slot motions over and becomes the #2 WR.
release behind/underneath the Seam by #2 WR
Backside #1 = FADE
This route can always be changed to another route by simply tagging it!
Example: Backside Flag
Go Route Concept – 3x1 (No Motion)
Playside #1 = FADE
Backside #2 = SEAM
Align by splitting the difference between the #1 & #3 WR in the 3x1 trips formations
Release vertical to attack the flat defender or cover down defender’s outside shoulder. Slip his inside hip and avoid being rerouted by the defender.
The trick is to redirect the defender and then straighten back up onto your route stem.
Playside #2 = FLAT (aka Arrow)
Release behind/underneath the Seam by #2 WR
Backside #1 = FADE
This route can always be changed to another route by simply tagging it!
Example: Backside Flag
Sprint-Out Protection
OL will use turn back protection or we will have a Full OL slide away
1 exception on the Full slide is vs Odd fronts we will Jump set a playside DE (vs a 4/4iTQ only) with our playside tackle so the B-Gap is protected and so the FB doesn’t have multiple defenders to block at the same time.
Full slide vs Odd front with DE aligned in a 5TQ
FB will take an arc path flat and work to Log the EMLOS
You can also take a look at our drill presentation on Sprint Out Passing here:
QB Sprint-Out Mechanics
QB climbs to a depth of 8 yds. while simultaneously widening to get outside the LOG on the EMLOS
This is a Run/Pass Option for the QB!
QB has the mindset that he is a run threat if WR's are covered.
QB Pre-snap
Evaluate the pre-snap Corner Depth for the fade match-up to either side.
Evaluate the pre-snap leverage by the defender covering the SEAM (OLB/Flat Defender) We can describe this defender as #2 in our triple option count system who also usually doubles as a flat defender, or categorize him as the 2nd defender inside of the corner
QB Progression & Read
Read the defender covering the SEAM (OLB/Flat Defender/2nd defender inside the corner):
Hit the flat route if the flat defender runs with the motioning slot
Hit the motioning slot if he clears outside the flat defender
Type of throw
vs. Uncapped SEAM, QB will throw a deep ball…”high five” arm motion
vs. Capped SEAM, QB will “back shoulder” the ball over the LB’s but under the safety in the underneath zone. Back shouldering the ball puts the ball on the WR so only he can make the play on the ball. It naturally slows the WR down in the underneath zone underneath a high safety.
SEAM Route Adjustments/Secondary Route
QB will heel kick to signal to the slot to jet motion. QB will begin the cadence as the motioning slot approaches the stationary slot. As the motioning slot approaches the stationary slot, he will turn his shoulders laterally with the line of scrimmage and begin to laterally shuffle outward about 3 to 5 yards until ball is snapped.
2. Slot should look for the ball as soon as he clears that seam defender (OLB/Flat defender), or if he vacates immediately to cover the flat.
3. If the ball doesn’t come at that point read the middle of the field and run a secondary route adjustment accordingly
Post if MOFO
Dig to the open space between the LB and FS level if MOFC.
FADE Route Adjustments/Secondary Route
If the DB bails and maintains a capped position above the fade route space, at 15 yard mark the WR can adjust his route into a “fall-out”.
Fall-Out = You can teach the basic comeback 15 yds. back to 12 yds. Where the WR turns outward and downhill 45 degrees, or teach your kids to fall-out by planting and pivoting inside (instead of outside like a comeback) off the outside foot and then downhill exactly like a comeback.
“GO” Concept Adjustment vs Hard Corner
If the corner is playing as an underneath flat defender…you can now have the QB read the corner high to low instead of the seam defender.
If the corner bails, throw the flat route
If the corner squats to defend the flats, throw fade. This maybe a tight zone window if the safety is flying over the top. May have to back shoulder the ball into this zone.
Our next blog post will continue with Passing Game Schemes with an emphasis on Boot/Naked concepts and as always feel free to discuss blog posts or ask questions on our forum page located here: If you have any questions please feel free to contact me on twitter @runthetriple or my email address