Tags and Why
In this blog post we will discuss our many tags we use and why we like each one. One thing I need to mention is we have named our tags by names we like and make since for us. You will notice there are quite a few and we use them to completely exhaust every possible way to run Inside Veer. Some of our tags carry over to other plays, especially the tags that manipulate perimeter blocking. I hope you enjoy this post, this will be my last one until after our season. I encourage you to use the forum to ask questions and make comments. We have several great coaches that can help and discuss things during the season. I also encourage you to check our Meshpoint Podcast. You can find it on this website, The new Google Podcast App, Google Play Music, Itunes, and @themeshpoint on twitter. Now, on to Tags......
Load Tag vs. 4-4 or 4-2-5
We use this tag vs. any middle of the field closed concepts, or typically vs. 8 man fronts. The PST and PSA are the over and under on the playside linebacker to the free safety. The PST needs to veer release and protect against any plug stunts. If the linebacker doesn't plug then the PST would expect him to scrape thus he needs to chase the hip of the scraping linebacker to put him in position to block the safety in the alley. The PSA needs to push vertical off his outside foot, really tight to #1, we tell him to take the "pocket change away" from #1 to really get him close to that outside hip. He needs to work that angle for 3 steps and his eyes are on the playside backer. If he scrapes, he needs to block him with his left shoulder on the outside hip of the linebacker and prevent him from getting in to the alley to take the QB. If the linebacker doesn't scrape then on the his third step he needs to get flat right n ow to get into the alley and block the free safety.
Load Tag vs. 3-3
Same concept as above, typically in this defense we get more games and blitzes then out of a 4-4.
Base Tag vs. 2 High Safety Concepts
This is our base way to block the perimeter on IV vs. 2 high safeties. We typically block it this way when we get a cover 4 look from the playside safety and corner. We also typically use this perimter blocking tag if the safeties are rolling two hard for us to be able to switch block the perimeter. The PSA opens, arcs, and blocks #3 or playside safety, the WR blocks the NDD (Near Deep Defender) or corner in this picture
Switch Tag vs. 2 High Safety Concepts
This my favorite way to block the perimeter vs. 2 high safety schemes. The PSA opens, arcs, and tries to circle the corner and attack his outside shoulder. That is more chalk talk as most of the time the PSA kicks out the corner but occasionally vs. man schemes we can get the corner's outside shoulder. The playside WR will push right now for the safety and block him. If we know the safeties are spinning hard we may tighten the WR split and he may have to take a flatter angle of departure to get the safety. This tag really sets up the post/wheel combo on play-action pass off IV.
Swap Tag vs. 4-3
Sometimes its hard for a QB to area read a stacked #1 and #2. We use this tag to take some pressure off and allow the QB to read #1 and we change #2 to a 3rd level defender. You have to cut the playside WR's split down to make this work, so we usually run this tag out of a flex set. The playside WR will crack the playside linebacker, the PSA always knows (based on lots of reps) when he hears the word Swap he arcs for corner, but we can also change that block to the safety. This tag carries over to Toss for us as well because it difficult to get that playside linebacker in this scheme.
Crush Tag vs. 5-2
I have this tag drawn up against a 5-2 look but we also use it vs. a 4-3 scheme, with the same thoughts about taking the pressure off the QB. We really love this tag vs. 5-2 schemes because it helps manipulate #2 in the count. Again, we must reduce the split of the play-side WR and most of the time we do this out of a flex set. The play-side WR blocks down on #2 and we change who #2 is based on what we get from the secondary but the PSA arcs and again anytime he hears Crush or Swap he knows to arc block a secondary player. Again, this perimeter blocking tag carries over to toss, and zone option.
Bulldog Tag vs. 2 High Safety Concepts
We only use this tag if we are getting #3/#2 exchanges. This tag puts the PST on #3 and the PSA inserting behind the arc release of the tackle to the play-side linebacker. A lot of times we find with #3/#2 exchanges the safety is screaming for QB and our slot can't block him, so we put a bigger body out there. This tag requires the QB to be able to read a stacked #1 and #2. Its easier though because of the arc release by the tackle.
Bear Tag in 2x2
Really like this tag vs. bear fronts. The PSG and PST double the three technique and the PSA pushes under the 5 technique and inserts on the mike. We really don't like the OL to have to come off a double team here because we need 1st level movement so the B back can hug the double team and slide square through B gap. This is why we insert the PSA and try to out run the safety. One thing to note here, we reduce our splits playside and keep the aiming point of the B back the same as traditional IV. We have in the past kept the splits, and changed the aiming point of the B back to the inside hip of the PST. That also requires a different footwork scheme by the QB (One Big and Two Quick steps) and evolves into more of a traditional outside veer concept.
Bear Tag in Unbalanced
This is probably my favorite way to handle bear fronts. We typically use an over tackle but if you have a good TE then use him. This offensive formation allows you to account for all defenders. The PSG and PST double the three technique, the over tackle or tight end,veer releases for the mike and the PSA arcs for the safety. A lot of times we never get to the pitch portion of this play because #2 scrapes and #1 sits because he isn't used to playing dive from that position.
I want to wish everyone a successful season! I hope you have enjoyed the blog this year. Again, I encourage you to interact with comments and questions on the forum during the season, there are some very knowledgeable coaches on there ready to help in anyway they can. You can get a hold of me through email lafayettefootball1@gmail.com or through social media on Twitter @runthetriple. I will be monitoring the forum as well and look forward to connecting with you there.
All the Best,
Matt McLeod